Janet King is an Australian TV legal drama that airs on the Australian television channel, ABC1. In 2017, the 3rd season began on May 25th. The show follows a dynamic senior crown prosecutor named Janet King through some very shocking court cases. The show is critically acclaimed and what you would expect from a legal drama. While there is no option to watch the show live if you are in the US, there are other ways we will speak about in a moment.
This show was launched in 2014 as a spin-off of another legal drama called Crownies. While many liked the show, the show runners decided that there were better ways to explore the characters. As you may know, sometimes spin-offs can be hit and miss. That is not the case with this show. Each season has had 8 episodes, and they clearly learned from their mistakes.
If you are from the US, Canada, or Australia and are traveling abroad, you would need to connect to a VPN server in those countries first.
Using Acorn TV to watch Janet King
Acorn TV is a subscription based stand alone American streaming service. It offers programming from the UK, Ireland, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Currently, it is available in the US and Canada, but not all shows are available in Canada. With such a varied list of countries, you can bet there are plenty of shows to watch. Some of the favorites are Janet King, Jack Irish, Murdoch Mysteries, and others. The parent company of Acorn TV is RLJ Entertainment. Because of that, the service has access to to content from Agatha Christie Ltd. The service is $4.99 month with no contracts and gives you access to over 1800 hours of programming. They offer a 7-day free trial if you want to test the service out first.
It is currently available on Roku, Apple TV, Samsung Smart TV, iOS, Chromecast, Amazon Fire TV, and Android as well as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft Edge. If you are an Amazon Prime member, you can also sign up for the service through it. If you do not see your favorite device listed here, you will want to check the Acorn TV website.