Akil the Fugitive Hunter is a true-crime documentary series of one of the most successful bounty hunters in California. The show is narrated by Wood Harris, and it follows the life of Akil Muhammad, a bounty hunter in tracking down big time criminals from LA. Currently, the show airs on A&E. That means if you wanted to watch it, you would normally need a cable or satellite subscription. However, there are now ways to watch the show without having either.
During the course of following Akil, this show uses animation, live action, and dramatizations to tell his stories. The show was launched in 2017, and it is not known how many seasons there will be. If you like shows like Dog the Bounty Hunter, you wil love this one. There are a few different ways to watch this show without cable or satellite, so we will have a closer look.
If you are traveling outside the US, you will need to connect to a service using a VPN first.
Use Sling TV to watch Akil the Fugitive Hunter
Sling TV is a live TV streaming service that offers an easy way to watch the race. This affordable option gives you access to popular pay TV channels, without the need for cable, a satellite subscription, or a contract. If you are a cord cutter or thinking of becoming one, the service is only a fraction of the cost. Of course, prices and number of streams available vary based on the plan you choose. You can add HBO to your Sling TV service for an additional amount. Feel free to try Sling TV free for 7 days to test the service.
The Sling TV service may be watched on your favorite television by using streaming devices like Roku, Xbox, Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV, Chromecast, and others. Additionally, it is compatible with Android, iOS, Windows, and Mac. There are other devices supported, so you may want to check their website for the latest list.
Using DirecTV Now to stream Akil the Fugitive Hunter
DirecTV Now is the stand alone version of the satellite provider, DirecTV. Though some of the streaming services we mention here are focused more on sports, this one has the goal of being a total package. It provides the subscriber more than 60 channels in the starting package for $35 a month with no contract. Those include A&E, ESPN, Fox, TNT, and many others. You can add HBO and other channels for an additional amount. It also includes more than 10,000 on demand channels. You can sign up for a 7-day free trial to see if DirecTV Now is right for you.
The service is usable on Chromecast, Android, iOS, Roku, Apple TV, and Amazon Fire TV. If you are planning on streaming from your PC or Mac, you will need to use Google Chrome or Safari. You are allowed to use 2 devices at one time, and there is a rewind feature so you can replay up to the last 72 hours of TV.
Use FuboTV to watch Akil the Fugitive Hunter
FuboTV is a popular streaming service that primarily targets sports fans. There are more than 60 channels that are offered for a monthly rate of $35 with no contract. That includes channels like A&E, Fox Sports, BeIN Sports, and others in HD quality. As with Sling TV, you are allowed to use the login information from your account to access the apps of the channels you have subscribed to. Sign up for their 7-day free trial to get started.
The service may be enjoyed on your Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, Android TV, Chromecast, iOS, Android, Windows, and Mac devices. Be aware that the service will only let you stream on two devices at a time. However, you do have the option to record via cloud DVR so you can re-watch the event or save it for later.